Saturday, 10 February 2007

Moving out

I argue with my dad more and more often, since I'm back home and start working, and even more since he lost his mother lately.

Our relationship use to be confined to the classic stereotype of father-teenage daughter conflict. There, I use to be the fervent teenage daughter who has existed in every story since the beginning of time. And my dad, fitting the character of authoritarian master of the house, labels me as simply another rebellious young person. He has always been well-disposed for a talk and we've always reached an agreement.

Today, things are getting the other way around. I'm the adult and my dad is acting like a child! But he's still treating me the way he use to do few years ago and I can't handle it ! I just can't handle to quarrel with my parents anymore.

One night last week, before I turned the lights off to go to bed, he jumped in and started my computer as if I weren’t there. He was pumping on the keyboard and didn’t even have a look on my way. I was shocked and upset. I felt my dad had violated the privacy of my room. Is he concidering that it’s all his house and as I’m not paying any rent, I don’t have any privacy in here ? Or is he so used to me away that he sometimes forget that I’m back ? Wasn’t it my parents who were crying asking me back ???

I tried to make it work out, but I can't bear it anymore. I'm tired to argue for nothing each time, I'm sick of giving account for my behaviour, I need some peaceful place to settle in.. A place that will be mine and where I can feel comfortable.. That’s why, I’m finally moving out of my parents house (not too early though) But on my age, there will be no come back.. Hope I'll be chilling cosy in my place by the beginning of March :-)


Luna said...

hello there..;are you really moving out?
how did you convince them to do that...

i'd move out and move in with you if only i could...but i think they'd die if i told them so!!!

is this decision of yours really taken or did you just threaten with moving out idea...and why did your dad use your compputer by the way???

Nazanin said...

Hi Luna !! Nice to see you on line sweetie !!
Bah, there's something wrong with my parents, I grown up while I was away and they just don't realize it yet ! still treating me like a child.. I hope I can move, but it's been a week that I'm looking for something and I'm not that confidente about beginning of March, hihihi..

Sleeplessjojo said...

Hi! I can imagine that it's not very easy re-living with one's parents... An entirely re-adaptation process for the both of you needs to take place. Living by yourself is of course a guarantee that you will fly with your own wings :) Good luck finding something and I wish you the best of luck overall :)