Friday 9 February 2007

The Gym

I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time.. I knew I need to get my butt to the gym and start working out. I knew I’ve gotten myself out of shape and an hour or so in the gym tow or three days a week sure wouldn't hurt.

Then, I've finally done so! I went down to the local fitness club and asked about the weekly program. I even went to the sport’s mart and got myself some new exercise outfits. My first course was a disaster.. But I came back the next day and I don’t regret it, I just can’t stop bodybuilding!

For the last six months, I’ve been going to the gym at an average of four days a week and I absolutely love it. I definitely feel good about it. I can see my biceps slowly coming into place. My leg muscles started showing up as well, my knees growing hollow. My chest is looking better too. I have a lot more confidence now, if not a little big headed because it seems that I’m sexy now. More smiles, more guys looking my way.

After an entire day sitting in the office, instead of going back home alone and eating some junk food in front of a movie, I do enjoy meeting my new friends in the gym, working out for around three hours, having that hot shower and get to bed for a long night sleep.

1 comment:

Luna said...

i totally agree with you ...going to the gym is a wonderful thing and i do it as well whenever i's very pleasant to be there exercise and get to know some new people...about the looks you get...i do get some too...and it feels real good...helps a lot for being more self confident...

keep on working out...i'm sure you look more than sexy thing ;-)